
PostgresOSM.import_osm_layer(osm_layer_data, table_name, schema_name, table_named_as_subregion=False, schema_named_as_layer=False, if_exists='replace', force_replace=False, chunk_size=None, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False, **kwargs)

Import one layer of OSM data into a table.

  • osm_layer_data (pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – one layer of OSM data

  • schema_name (str) – name of a schema (or name of a PBF layer)

  • table_name (str) – name of a table

  • table_named_as_subregion (bool) – whether to use subregion name as a table name, defaults to False

  • schema_named_as_layer (bool) – whether a schema is named as a layer name, defaults to False

  • if_exists (str) – if the table already exists, to 'replace' (default), 'append' or 'fail'

  • force_replace (bool) – whether to force to replace existing table, defaults to False

  • chunk_size (int or None) – the number of rows in each batch to be written at a time, defaults to None

  • confirmation_required (bool) – whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to True

  • verbose (bool) – whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to False

  • kwargs – optional parameters of pyhelpers.sql.PostgreSQL.dump_data


>>> import os
>>> from pyhelpers.dir import cd
>>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM

>>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test')
Password (postgres@localhost:5432): ***
Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully.

>>> sr_name = 'Rutland'  # name of a subregion
>>> dat_dir = "tests"  # name of a data directory where the subregion data is

>>> # -- Example 1: Import data of the 'points' layer of a PBF file --------------

>>> # First, read the PBF data of Rutland (from Geofabrik free download server)
>>> # (If the data file is not available, it'll be downloaded by confirmation)
>>> rutland_pbf_raw = osmdb_test.Reader.read_osm_pbf(sr_name, dat_dir, verbose=True)
To download .pbf data of the following geographic region(s):
? [No]|Yes: yes
Downloading "rutland-latest.osm.pbf" to "tests\" ... Done.

>>> # A quick view of the PBF data
>>> type(rutland_pbf_raw)
>>> list(rutland_pbf_raw.keys())
['points', 'lines', 'multilinestrings', 'multipolygons', 'other_relations']

>>> # Get the data of 'points' layer
>>> rutland_pbf_raw_points = rutland_pbf_raw['points']
>>> rutland_pbf_raw_points.head()
0  {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin...
1  {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin...
2  {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin...
3  {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin...
4  {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin...

>>> # Use the region name as a table name for storing the data in PostgreSQL server
>>> tbl = sr_name
>>> # Use a default layer (key) name as a schema name
>>> schema = list(rutland_pbf_raw.keys())[0]  # 'points'

>>> # Now import the data of 'points' into the PostgreSQL server
>>> osmdb_test.import_osm_layer(rutland_pbf_raw_points, tbl, schema, verbose=True)
To import data into "points"."Rutland" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test
? [No]|Yes: yes
Creating a schema: "points" ... Done.
Importing the data into the table "points"."Rutland" ... Done.

>>> tbl_col_info = osmdb_test.get_subregion_table_column_info(tbl, schema)
>>> tbl_col_info.head()
table_catalog     osmdb_test
table_schema          points
table_name           Rutland
column_name           points
ordinal_position           1

>>> rutland_pbf_parsed = osmdb_test.Reader.read_osm_pbf(sr_name, dat_dir,
...                                                     parse_raw_feat=True,
...                                                     transform_geom=True)

>>> # Get the parsed data of 'points' layer
>>> rutland_pbf_points = rutland_pbf_parsed[schema]
>>> rutland_pbf_points.head()
         id  ...                    other_tags
0    488432  ...               "odbl"=>"clean"
1    488658  ...                          None
2  13883868  ...                          None
3  14049101  ...  "traffic_calming"=>"cushion"
4  14558402  ...      "direction"=>"clockwise"
[5 rows x 12 columns]

>>> # Import the parsed 'points' data into the PostgreSQL server
>>> osmdb_test.import_osm_layer(rutland_pbf_points, tbl, schema, verbose=True)
To import data into "points"."Rutland" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test
? [No]|Yes: yes
The table "points"."Rutland" already exists and is replaced.
Importing the data into the table "points"."Rutland" ... Done.

>>> # Delete the downloaded PBF data file
>>> os.remove(cd(dat_dir, "rutland-latest.osm.pbf"))

>>> # -- Example 2: Import data of the 'railways' layer of a shapefile -----------

>>> # Read the data of 'railways' layer
>>> # (without retaining any downloaded shapefile and extracts)
>>> lyr_name = 'railways'

>>> rutland_railways_shp = osmdb_test.Reader.read_shp_zip(
...     subregion_name=sr_name, layer_names=lyr_name, data_dir=dat_dir,
...     rm_extracts=True, rm_shp_zip=True, verbose=True)
To download data of the following geographic region(s):
? [No]|Yes: yes
Downloading "" to "tests\" ... Done.
Extracting the following layer(s):
from "tests\" ...
to "tests\rutland-latest-free-shp\"
Deleting the extracts "tests\rutland-latest-free-shp\"  ... Done.
Deleting "tests\" ... Done.

>>> type(rutland_railways_shp)
>>> list(rutland_railways_shp.keys())
# ['railways']

>>> # Get the data of 'railways' layer
>>> rutland_railways_shp_ = rutland_railways_shp[lyr_name]

>>> rutland_railways_shp_.head()
    osm_id  code  ...                                        coordinates shape_type
0  2162114  6101  ...  [(-0.4528083, 52.6993402), (-0.4518933, 52.698...          3
1  3681043  6101  ...  [(-0.6531215, 52.5730787), (-0.6531793, 52.572...          3
2  3693985  6101  ...  [(-0.7323403, 52.6782102), (-0.7319059, 52.678...          3
3  3693986  6101  ...  [(-0.6173072, 52.6132317), (-0.6241869, 52.614...          3
4  4806329  6101  ...  [(-0.4576926, 52.7035194), (-0.4565358, 52.702...          3
[5 rows x 9 columns]

>>> osmdb_test.import_osm_layer(rutland_railways_shp_, table_name=sr_name,
...                             schema_name=lyr_name, verbose=True)
To import data into "railways"."Rutland" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test
? [No]|Yes: yes
Creating a schema: "railways" ... Done.
Importing the data into the table "railways"."Rutland" ... Done.

>>> tbl_col_info = osmdb_test.get_subregion_table_column_info(tbl, lyr_name)
>>> tbl_col_info.head()
                    column_0    column_1  ...     column_7    column_8
table_catalog     osmdb_test  osmdb_test  ...   osmdb_test  osmdb_test
table_schema        railways    railways  ...     railways    railways
table_name           Rutland     Rutland  ...      Rutland     Rutland
column_name           osm_id        code  ...  coordinates  shape_type
ordinal_position           1           2  ...            8           9
[5 rows x 9 columns]

>>> # Delete the database 'osmdb_test'
>>> osmdb_test.drop_database(verbose=True)
To drop the database "osmdb_test" from postgres:***@localhost:5432
? [No]|Yes: yes
Dropping "osmdb_test" ... Done.