
pydriosm.reader.merge_shps(paths_to_shp_files, path_to_merged_dir, method='pyshp')

Merge multiple shapefiles.

  • paths_to_shp_files (list) – list of paths to shapefiles (in .shp format)

  • path_to_merged_dir (str) – path to a directory where the merged files are to be saved

  • method (str) – the method used to merge/save shapefiles; options include: 'pyshp' (default) and 'geopandas' (or 'gpd') if method='geopandas', this function relies on geopandas.GeoDataFrame.to_file(); otherwise, it by default uses shapefile.Writer()


If method is set to be 'geopandas' (or 'gpd'), it requires availability of the package GeoPandas.

See also