Source code for pydriosm.utils

Helper functions.

import math
import os
import re
import shutil

import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
from pyhelpers.dir import cd
from pyhelpers.text import find_similar_str

# -- Specify resource homepages --------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def geofabrik_homepage(): """ Specify the homepage URL of the free Geofabrik data extracts. :return: URL of the data source homepage :rtype: str """ return ''
[docs]def bbbike_homepage(): """ Specify the homepage URL of the free BBBike data extracts. :return: URL of the data source homepage :rtype: str """ return ''
# -- Specify directory/file paths ------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def cd_dat(*sub_dir, dat_dir="dat", mkdir=False, **kwargs): """ Change directory to ``dat_dir`` and its sub-directories within a package. :param sub_dir: name of directory; names of directories (and/or a filename) :type sub_dir: str :param dat_dir: name of a directory to store data, defaults to ``"dat"`` :type dat_dir: str :param mkdir: whether to create a directory, defaults to ``False`` :type mkdir: bool :param kwargs: optional parameters of `os.makedirs <>`_, e.g. ``mode=0o777`` :return: an absolute path to a directory (or a file) under ``data_dir`` :rtype: str **Example**:: >>> import os >>> from pydriosm.utils import cd_dat >>> path_to_dat = cd_dat() >>> print(os.path.relpath(path_to_dat)) pydriosm\\dat """ path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, dat_dir) for x in sub_dir: path = os.path.join(path, x) if mkdir: path_to_file, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext == '': os.makedirs(path_to_file, exist_ok=True, **kwargs) else: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path_to_file), exist_ok=True, **kwargs) return path
[docs]def cd_dat_geofabrik(*sub_dir, mkdir=False, **kwargs): """ Change directory to ``dat_Geofabrik`` and its sub-directories within a package. :param sub_dir: name of directory; names of directories (and/or a filename) :type sub_dir: str :param mkdir: whether to create a directory, defaults to ``False`` :type mkdir: bool :param kwargs: optional parameters of `os.makedirs <>`_, e.g. ``mode=0o777`` :return: an absolute path to a directory (or a file) under ``data_dir`` :rtype: str """ path = cd("dat_Geofabrik", *sub_dir, mkdir=mkdir, **kwargs) return path
[docs]def cd_dat_bbbike(*sub_dir, mkdir=False, **kwargs): """ Change directory to ``dat_BBBike`` and its sub-directories. :param sub_dir: name of directory; names of directories (and/or a filename) :type sub_dir: str :param mkdir: whether to create a directory, defaults to ``False`` :type mkdir: bool :param kwargs: optional parameters of `os.makedirs <>`_, e.g. ``mode=0o777`` :return: an absolute path to a directory (or a file) under ``data_dir`` :rtype: str """ path = cd("dat_BBBike", *sub_dir, mkdir=mkdir, **kwargs) return path
# -- Specify geometric object types/names ----------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_pbf_layer_feat_types_dict(): """ A dictionary for PBF layers and the corresponding geometry types. :return: a dictionary with keys and values being PBF layers and geometry types :rtype: dict """ # {Layer name in .pbf data: the corresponding feature type} pbf_layer_feat_types = {'points': 'Point', 'lines': 'LineString', 'multilinestrings': 'MultiLineString', 'multipolygons': 'MultiPolygon', 'other_relations': 'GeometryCollection'} return pbf_layer_feat_types
[docs]def get_osm_geom_object_dict(): """ A dictionary for OSM geometry types. :return: a dictionary with keys and values being shape types and `shapely.geometry`_ types :rtype: dict .. _`shapely.geometry`: """ import shapely.geometry shape_object_dict = {'Point': shapely.geometry.Point, 'LineString': shapely.geometry.LineString, 'LinearRing': shapely.geometry.LinearRing, 'MultiLineString': shapely.geometry.MultiLineString, 'Polygon': shapely.geometry.Polygon, 'MultiPolygon': shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon, 'GeometryCollection': shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection} return shape_object_dict
[docs]def get_valid_shp_layer_names(): """ Get valid layer names of OSM shapefiles. :return: a list of valid layer names of OSM shapefiles :rtype: list """ shp_layer_names = ['buildings', 'landuse', 'natural', 'places', 'points', 'pofw', 'pois', 'railways', 'roads', 'traffic', 'transport', 'water', 'waterways'] return shp_layer_names
# -- Miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def validate_shp_layer_names(layer_names): """ Validate the input of layer name(s) for reading shape files. :param layer_names: name of a shapefile layer, e.g. 'railways', or names of multiple layers; if ``None`` (default), returns an empty list; if ``'all'``, returns a list of all available layers :type layer_names: str or list or None :return: valid layer names to be input :rtype: list **Examples**:: >>> from pydriosm.utils import validate_shp_layer_names >>> lyr_names = None >>> lyr_names_ = validate_shp_layer_names(lyr_names) >>> print(lyr_names_) [] >>> lyr_names = 'point' >>> lyr_names_ = validate_shp_layer_names(lyr_names) >>> print(lyr_names_) ['points'] >>> lyr_names = ['point', 'land'] >>> lyr_names_ = validate_shp_layer_names(lyr_names) >>> print(lyr_names_) ['points', 'landuse'] >>> lyr_names = 'all' >>> lyr_names_ = validate_shp_layer_names(lyr_names) >>> print(lyr_names_) ['buildings', 'landuse', 'natural', 'places', 'points', 'pofw', 'pois', 'railways', 'roads', 'traffic', 'transport', 'water', 'waterways'] """ if layer_names: if layer_names == 'all': layer_names_ = get_valid_shp_layer_names() else: layer_names_ = [layer_names] if isinstance(layer_names, str) \ else layer_names.copy() layer_names_ = [find_similar_str(x, get_valid_shp_layer_names()) for x in layer_names_] else: layer_names_ = [] return layer_names_
[docs]def find_shp_layer_name(shp_filename): """ Find the layer name of OSM shapefile given its filename. :param shp_filename: filename of a shapefile (.shp) :type shp_filename: str :return: layer name of the .shp file :rtype: str """ try: layer_name ='(?<=gis_osm_)\w+(?=(_a)?_free_1)', shp_filename).group(0).replace("_a", "") except AttributeError: layer_name ='(?<=(\\shape)\\)\w+(?=\.*)', shp_filename).group(0) return layer_name
[docs]def append_fclass_to_filename(shp_filename, feature_names): """ Append a ``'fclass'`` name to the original filename of shapefile. :param shp_filename: original .shp filename :type shp_filename: str :param feature_names: name (or names) of a ``fclass`` (or multiple ``fclass``) in .shp data :type feature_names: str or list :return: updated filename used for saving only the ``fclass`` data of the original .shp data file :rtype: str """ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(shp_filename) feature_names_ = [feature_names] if isinstance(feature_names, str) \ else feature_names.copy() new_shp_filename = "{filename}_{feature_names}{ext}".format( filename=filename, feature_names='_'.join(feature_names_), ext=ext) if os.path.dirname(new_shp_filename): layer_name = find_shp_layer_name(shp_filename) new_shp_filename = \ cd(os.path.dirname(new_shp_filename), layer_name, os.path.basename(new_shp_filename), mkdir=True) return new_shp_filename
[docs]def remove_subregion_osm_file(path_to_osm_file, verbose=True): """ Remove a downloaded OSM data file. :param path_to_osm_file: absolute path to a downloaded OSM data file :type path_to_osm_file: str :param verbose: defaults to ``True`` :type verbose: bool """ if verbose: print("Deleting \"{}\"".format(os.path.relpath(path_to_osm_file)), end=" ... ") try: if os.path.isfile(path_to_osm_file): os.remove(path_to_osm_file) print("Done. ") if verbose else "" elif os.path.isdir(path_to_osm_file): shutil.rmtree(path_to_osm_file) print("Done. ") if verbose else "" else: if verbose: print("File not found at {}.".format( *os.path.split(path_to_osm_file)[::-1])) except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e))
[docs]def get_number_of_chunks(path_to_file, chunk_size_limit=50): """ Compute number of chunks for parsing OSM (mainly PBF) data file in a chunk-wise manner. :param path_to_file: absolute path to a file :type path_to_file: str :param chunk_size_limit: threshold (in MB) above which the data file is split into chunks, defaults to ``50``; :type chunk_size_limit: int :return: number of chunks :rtype: int or None """ file_size_in_mb = round(os.path.getsize(path_to_file) / (1024 ** 2), 1) if chunk_size_limit and file_size_in_mb > chunk_size_limit: number_of_chunks = math.ceil(file_size_in_mb / chunk_size_limit) else: number_of_chunks = None return number_of_chunks
[docs]def convert_dtype_dict(): """ Specify data-type dictionary for data types of `PostgreSQL <>`_ and `pandas.read_csv() <>`_. :return: a dictionary as data-type convertor between PostgreSQL and `pandas.read_csv()`_ :rtype: dict .. _`pandas.read_csv()`: """ data_types = {'text': str, 'bigint': np.int64, 'json': str } return data_types