
class pydriosm.ios.PostgresOSM(host='localhost', port=5432, username='postgres', password=None, database_name='postgres', confirm_new_db=False, data_source='Geofabrik', verbose=True)[source]

A class representation of a tool for I/O and storage of OSM data extracts with PostgreSQL.

  • host (str or None) – host address, defaults to 'localhost' (or '')

  • port (int, None) – port, defaults to 5432

  • username (str or None) – database username, defaults to 'postgres'

  • password (str or int or None) – database password, defaults to None

  • database_name (str) – database name, defaults to 'postgres'

  • confirm_new_db (bool) – whether to impose a confirmation to create a new database, defaults to False

  • data_source (str) – source of data extracts, including 'Geofabrik' and 'BBBike', defaults to 'Geofabrik'

  • verbose (bool) – whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to True


>>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM

>>> database_name = 'osmdb_test'

>>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name=database_name)
Password (postgres@localhost:5432): ***
Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully.

>>> print(osmdb_test.DataSource)
>>> print(osmdb_test.Downloader)
<pydriosm.downloader.GeofabrikDownloader object at ...>

>>> # Change the data source:
>>> osmdb_test.DataSource = 'BBBike'
>>> print(osmdb_test.Downloader)
<pydriosm.downloader.BBBikeDownloader object at ...>



Delete all or specific schemas/layers of subregion data from the database being connected.

fetch_osm_data(subregion_name[, …])

Fetch OSM data (of one or multiple layers) of a geographic region.

get_subregion_table_column_info(…[, …])

Get information about columns of a specific schema and table data of a geographic region.


Get the default table name for a specific geographic region.

import_osm_data(osm_data, table_name[, …])

Import OSM data into a database.

import_osm_layer(osm_layer_data, table_name, …)

Import one layer of OSM data into a table.

import_subregion_osm_pbf(subregion_names[, …])

Import data of geographic region(s) that do not have (sub-)subregions into a database.

subregion_table_exists(subregion_name, …)

Check if a table (for a geographic region) exists.



An instance of either GeofabrikDownloader or BBBikeDownloader depending on the specified data_source for creating a PostgresOSM instance.


Name of the current PostgresOSM.Downloader.


An instance of either GeofabrikReader or BBBikeReader depending on the specified data_source for creating a PostgresOSM instance.


Homepage URL of data resource for current PostgresOSM.Downloader.