Source code for pydriosm.ios

I/O and storage of `OSM <>`_ data extracts
with `PostgreSQL <>`_.

from pyhelpers.sql import PostgreSQL
from pyhelpers.text import remove_punctuation

from .reader import *
from .utils import convert_dtype_dict

[docs]def get_default_layer_name(schema_name): """ Get default name (as an input schema name) of an OSM layer for the class :py:class:`PostgresOSM<pydriosm.ios.PostgresOSM>`. See, for example, the method :py:meth:`pydriosm.ios.PostgresOSM.import_osm_layer`. :param schema_name: name of a schema (or name of an OSM layer) :type schema_name: str :return: default name of the layer :rtype: str **Example**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import get_default_layer_name >>> lyr_name = 'point' >>> lyr_name_ = get_default_layer_name(lyr_name) >>> print(lyr_name_) points """ valid_layer_names = \ list(get_pbf_layer_feat_types_dict().keys()) + get_valid_shp_layer_names() layer_name_ = find_similar_str(schema_name, valid_layer_names) return layer_name_
[docs]def validate_schema_names(schema_names=None, schema_named_as_layer=False): """ Validate schema names for importing data into a PostgreSQL database. :param schema_names: one or multiple names of layers, e.g. 'points', 'lines', defaults to ``None`` :type schema_names: list or None :param schema_named_as_layer: whether to use default PBF layer name as the schema name, defaults to ``False`` :type schema_named_as_layer: bool :return: valid names of the schemas in the database :rtype: list **Examples**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import validate_schema_names >>> schemas_names = validate_schema_names() >>> print(schemas_names) [] >>> schemas_names_ = ['point', 'polygon'] >>> schemas_names = validate_schema_names(schemas_names_) >>> print(schemas_names) ['point', 'polygon'] >>> schemas_names = validate_schema_names(schemas_names_, ... schema_named_as_layer=True) >>> print(schemas_names) ['points', 'multipolygons'] """ if schema_names: if isinstance(schema_names, str): schema_names_ = [get_default_layer_name(schema_names) if schema_named_as_layer else schema_names] # assert schema_names_[0] in valid_layer_names, assertion_msg else: # isinstance(schema_names, list) is True schema_names_ = [get_default_layer_name(x) for x in schema_names] \ if schema_named_as_layer else schema_names else: schema_names_ = [] return schema_names_
[docs]def validate_table_name(table_name, sub_space=''): """ Validate a table name for importing OSM data into a PostgreSQL database. :param table_name: name as input of a table in a PostgreSQL database :type table_name: str :param sub_space: substitute for space :type sub_space: str :return: valid name of the table in the database :rtype: str **Examples**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import validate_table_name >>> sr_name = 'greater london' >>> tbl_name = validate_table_name(sr_name) >>> print(tbl_name) # greater london >>> sr_name = 'Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales' >>> tbl_name = validate_table_name(sr_name, sub_space='_') >>> print(tbl_name) # Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch_W.. """ table_name_ = remove_punctuation(table_name, rm_whitespace=True) if sub_space: table_name_ = table_name_.replace(' ', sub_space) table_name_ = table_name_[:60] + '..' if len(table_name_) >= 63 else table_name_ return table_name_
[docs]class PostgresOSM: """ A class representation of a tool for I/O and storage of OSM data extracts with `PostgreSQL <>`_. :param host: host address, defaults to ``'localhost'`` (or ``''``) :type host: str or None :param port: port, defaults to ``5432`` :type port: int, None :param username: database username, defaults to ``'postgres'`` :type username: str or None :param password: database password, defaults to ``None`` :type password: str or int or None :param database_name: database name, defaults to ``'postgres'`` :type database_name: str :param confirm_new_db: whether to impose a confirmation to create a new database, defaults to ``False`` :type confirm_new_db: bool :param data_source: source of data extracts, including ``'Geofabrik'`` and ``'BBBike'``, defaults to ``'Geofabrik'`` :type data_source: str :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``True`` :type verbose: bool **Example**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> database_name = 'osmdb_test' >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name=database_name) Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> print(osmdb_test.DataSource) Geofabrik >>> print(osmdb_test.Downloader) <pydriosm.downloader.GeofabrikDownloader object at ...> >>> # Change the data source: >>> osmdb_test.DataSource = 'BBBike' >>> print(osmdb_test.Downloader) <pydriosm.downloader.BBBikeDownloader object at ...> """ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=5432, username='postgres', password=None, database_name='postgres', confirm_new_db=False, data_source='Geofabrik', verbose=True): """ Constructor method. """ self.ValidDataSources = ('Geofabrik', 'BBBike') assert data_source in self.ValidDataSources, \ "The argument `method` must be '%s' or '%s'." % self.ValidDataSources self.PostgreSQL = PostgreSQL(host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, database_name=database_name, confirm_new_db=confirm_new_db, verbose=verbose) self.Downloaders = dict( zip(self.ValidDataSources, [GeofabrikDownloader(), BBBikeDownloader()])) self.Readers = dict( zip(self.ValidDataSources, [GeofabrikReader(), BBBikeReader()])) self.DataSource = data_source @property def Downloader(self): """ An instance of either :py:class:`GeofabrikDownloader<pydriosm.downloader.GeofabrikDownloader>` or :py:class:`BBBikeDownloader<pydriosm.downloader.BBBikeDownloader>` depending on the specified ``data_source`` for creating a :py:class:`PostgresOSM<pydriosm.ios.PostgresOSM>` instance. """ assert self.DataSource in self.ValidDataSources, \ "`.DataSource` must be '%s' or '%s'." % self.ValidDataSources return self.Downloaders[self.DataSource] @property def Name(self): """ Name of the current :py:attr:`PostgresOSM.Downloader<pydriosm.ios.PostgresOSM.Downloader>`. """ return copy.copy(self.Downloader.Name) @property def URL(self): """ Homepage URL of data resource for current :py:attr:`PostgresOSM.Downloader<pydriosm.ios.PostgresOSM.Downloader>`. :return: """ return copy.copy(self.Downloader.URL) @property def Reader(self): """ An instance of either :py:class:`GeofabrikReader<pydriosm.reader.GeofabrikReader>` or :py:class:`BBBikeReader<pydriosm.reader.BBBikeReader>` depending on the specified ``data_source`` for creating a :py:class:`PostgresOSM<pydriosm.ios.PostgresOSM>` instance. """ assert self.DataSource in self.ValidDataSources, \ "`.DataSource` must be '%s' or '%s'." % self.ValidDataSources return self.Readers[self.DataSource]
[docs] def get_table_name_for_subregion(self, subregion_name, table_named_as_subregion=False): """ Get the default table name for a specific geographic region. :param subregion_name: name of a geographic region, which acts as a table name :type subregion_name: str :param table_named_as_subregion: whether to use subregion name as table name, defaults to ``False`` :type table_named_as_subregion: bool :return: default table name for storing the subregion data into the database :rtype: str **Examples**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> sr_name = 'rutland' >>> tbl_name = osmdb_test.get_table_name_for_subregion(sr_name) >>> print(tbl_name) rutland >>> tbl_name = osmdb_test.get_table_name_for_subregion( ... sr_name, table_named_as_subregion=True) >>> print(tbl_name) # Rutland .. note:: In the examples above, the default data source is 'Geofabrik'. Changing it to 'BBBike', the function may possibly produce a different output for the same input, as a geographic region that is included in one data source may not always be available from the other. """ if table_named_as_subregion: if self.DataSource == 'Geofabrik': subregion_name_ = \ self.Downloader.validate_input_subregion_name(subregion_name) else: # self.DataSource == 'BBBike': subregion_name_, _, _, _ = self.Downloader.get_valid_download_info( subregion_name, osm_file_format='') else: subregion_name_ = subregion_name table_name = validate_table_name(subregion_name_) return table_name
[docs] def subregion_table_exists(self, subregion_name, layer_name, table_named_as_subregion=False, schema_named_as_layer=False): """ Check if a table (for a geographic region) exists. :param subregion_name: name of a geographic region, which acts as a table name :type subregion_name: str :param layer_name: name of an OSM layer (e.g. 'points', 'railways', ...), which acts as a schema name :type layer_name: str :param table_named_as_subregion: whether to use subregion name as table name, defaults to ``False`` :type table_named_as_subregion: bool :param schema_named_as_layer: whether a schema is named as a layer name, defaults to ``False`` :type schema_named_as_layer: bool :return: ``True`` if the table exists, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: bool **Examples**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> sr_name = 'rutland' >>> lyr_name = 'pt' >>> # (If the table, pt."rutland", does not exist) >>> osmdb_test.subregion_table_exists(sr_name, lyr_name) False # (If the table, points.'Rutland', does not exist) >>> osmdb_test.subregion_table_exists(sr_name, lyr_name, ... table_named_as_subregion=True, ... schema_named_as_layer=True) False """ table_name_ = self.get_table_name_for_subregion( subregion_name, table_named_as_subregion) schema_name_ = get_default_layer_name(layer_name) if schema_named_as_layer \ else layer_name res = self.PostgreSQL.table_exists(table_name_, schema_name_) return res
[docs] def get_subregion_table_column_info(self, subregion_name, layer_name, as_dict=False, table_named_as_subregion=False, schema_named_as_layer=False): """ Get information about columns of a specific schema and table data of a geographic region. :param subregion_name: name of a geographic region, which acts as a table name :type subregion_name: str :param layer_name: name of an OSM layer (e.g. 'points', 'railways', ...), which acts as a schema name :type layer_name: str :param as_dict: whether to return the column information as a dictionary, defaults to ``True`` :type as_dict: bool :param table_named_as_subregion: whether to use subregion name as table name, defaults to ``False`` :type table_named_as_subregion: bool :param schema_named_as_layer: whether a schema is named as a layer name, defaults to ``False`` :type schema_named_as_layer: bool :return: information about each column of the given table :rtype: pandas.DataFrame or dict **Examples**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> sr_name = 'rutland' >>> lyr_name = 'points' >>> column_info_table = osmdb_test.get_subregion_table_column_info( ... sr_name, lyr_name) >>> type(column_info_table) <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> >>> print(column_info_table.index.to_list()[:5]) ['table_catalog', 'table_schema', 'table_name', 'column_name', 'ordinal_position'] >>> column_info_dict = osmdb_test.get_subregion_table_column_info( ... sr_name, lyr_name, as_dict=True, table_named_as_subregion=True, ... schema_named_as_layer=True) >>> type(column_info_dict) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(column_info_dict.keys())[:5]) ['table_catalog', 'table_schema', 'table_name', 'column_name', 'ordinal_position'] """ table_name_ = \ self.get_table_name_for_subregion(subregion_name, table_named_as_subregion) schema_name_ = get_default_layer_name(layer_name) if schema_named_as_layer \ else layer_name column_info = self.PostgreSQL.get_column_info(table_name=table_name_, schema_name=schema_name_, as_dict=as_dict) return column_info
[docs] def import_osm_layer(self, osm_layer_data, table_name, schema_name, table_named_as_subregion=False, schema_named_as_layer=False, if_exists='replace', force_replace=False, chunk_size=None, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Import one layer of OSM data into a table. :param osm_layer_data: one layer of OSM data :type osm_layer_data: pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame :param schema_name: name of a schema (or name of a PBF layer) :type schema_name: str :param table_name: name of a table :type table_name: str :param table_named_as_subregion: whether to use subregion name to be a table name, defaults to ``False`` :type table_named_as_subregion: bool :param schema_named_as_layer: whether a schema is named as a layer name, defaults to ``False`` :type schema_named_as_layer: bool :param if_exists: if the table already exists, to ``'replace'`` (default), ``'append'`` or ``'fail'`` :type if_exists: str :param force_replace: whether to force to replace existing table, defaults to ``False`` :type force_replace: bool :param chunk_size: the number of rows in each batch to be written at a time, defaults to ``None`` :type chunk_size: int, None :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool :param kwargs: optional parameters of `pyhelpers.sql.PostgreSQL.dump_data`_ .. _`pyhelpers.sql.PostgreSQL.dump_data`: .. _pydriosm-PostgresOSM-import_osm_layer: **Examples**:: >>> import os >>> from pyhelpers.dir import cd >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> sr_name = 'Rutland' >>> dat_dir = "tests" >>> # Import PBF data of Rutland >>> rutland_pbf_raw = osmdb_test.Reader.read_osm_pbf(sr_name, dat_dir, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to download .osm.pbf data of the following geographic region(s): Rutland ? [No]|Yes: yes >>> tbl_name = sr_name >>> schema = list(rutland_pbf_raw.keys())[0] # 'points' >>> rutland_pbf_raw_points = rutland_pbf_raw[schema] >>> print(rutland_pbf_raw_points.head()) points 0 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 1 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 2 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 3 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 4 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... >>> osmdb_test.import_osm_layer(rutland_pbf_raw_points, tbl_name, schema, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to import the data into table '"points"."Rutland"' at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Creating a schema "points" ... Done. Importing data into '"points"."Rutland"' ... Done. >>> column_info = osmdb_test.get_subregion_table_column_info(tbl_name, schema) >>> print(column_info.head()) column_0 table_catalog osmdb_test table_schema points table_name Rutland column_name points ordinal_position 1 >>> rutland_pbf = osmdb_test.Reader.read_osm_pbf(sr_name, dat_dir, ... parse_raw_feat=True, ... transform_geom=True) >>> rutland_pbf_points = rutland_pbf[schema] >>> print(rutland_pbf_points.head()) id ... other_tags 0 488432 ... "odbl"=>"clean" 1 488658 ... None 2 13883868 ... None 3 14049101 ... "traffic_calming"=>"cushion" 4 14558402 ... "direction"=>"clockwise" [5 rows x 12 columns] >>> osmdb_test.import_osm_layer(rutland_pbf_points, tbl_name, schema, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to import the data into table '"points"."Rutland"' at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes The table "points"."Rutland" already exists and is replaced ... Importing data into '"points"."Rutland"' ... Done. >>> # Delete the downloaded PBF data file >>> os.remove(cd(dat_dir, "rutland-latest.osm.pbf")) >>> # Import shapefile data of Rutland >>> lyr_name = 'railways' >>> rutland_railways_shp = osmdb_test.Reader.read_shp_zip( ... sr_name, lyr_name, data_dir=dat_dir, rm_extracts=True, ... rm_shp_zip=True, verbose=True) Confirmed to download data of the following geographic region(s): Rutland ? [No]|Yes: yes Downloading "" to "\\tests" ... Done. Extracting from "" the following layer(s): 'railways' to "\\tests\\rutland-latest-free-shp" ... In progress ... Done. Deleting the extracts "\\tests\\rutland-latest-free-shp" ... Done. Deleting "tests\\" ... Done. >>> type(rutland_railways_shp) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(rutland_railways_shp.keys())) # ['railways'] >>> rutland_railways_shp_ = rutland_railways_shp[lyr_name] >>> osmdb_test.import_osm_layer(rutland_railways_shp_, table_name=sr_name, ... schema_name=lyr_name, verbose=True) Confirmed to import the data into table '"railways"."Rutland"' at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Creating a schema "railways" ... Done. Importing data into '"railways"."Rutland"' ... Done. >>> col_info = osmdb_test.get_subregion_table_column_info(tbl_name, lyr_name) >>> print(col_info.head()) column_0 column_1 ... column_6 column_7 table_catalog osmdb_test osmdb_test ... osmdb_test osmdb_test table_schema railways railways ... railways railways table_name Rutland Rutland ... Rutland Rutland column_name osm_id code ... tunnel geometry ordinal_position 1 2 ... 7 8 [5 rows x 8 columns] """ table_name_ = self.get_table_name_for_subregion(table_name, table_named_as_subregion) schema_name_ = get_default_layer_name(schema_name) if schema_named_as_layer \ else schema_name if osm_layer_data.empty: self.PostgreSQL.import_data(osm_layer_data, table_name=table_name_, schema_name=schema_name_, if_exists=if_exists, force_replace=force_replace, method=self.PostgreSQL.psql_insert_copy, confirmation_required=confirmation_required, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) else: import geopandas as gpd import sqlalchemy.types lyr_dat = osm_layer_data.copy() if lyr_dat.shape[1] == 1: col_type = {lyr_dat.columns[0]: sqlalchemy.types.JSON} else: col_type = None if 'coordinates' in lyr_dat.columns: if not isinstance(lyr_dat.coordinates[0], list): lyr_dat.coordinates = x: x.wkt) if isinstance(lyr_dat, gpd.GeoDataFrame): lyr_dat = pd.DataFrame(lyr_dat) data_types = lyr_dat.dtypes if 'geometry' in [ for x in data_types]: geom_col_name = data_types[data_types == 'geometry'].index[0] lyr_dat[geom_col_name] = lyr_dat[geom_col_name].map(lambda x: x.wkt) self.PostgreSQL.import_data(lyr_dat, table_name=table_name_, schema_name=schema_name_, if_exists=if_exists, force_replace=force_replace, chunk_size=chunk_size, col_type=col_type, method=self.PostgreSQL.psql_insert_copy, confirmation_required=confirmation_required, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
[docs] def import_osm_data(self, osm_data, table_name, schema_names=None, table_named_as_subregion=False, schema_named_as_layer=False, if_exists='replace', force_replace=False, chunk_size=None, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Import OSM data into a database. :param osm_data: OSM data of a geographic region :type osm_data: dict :param table_name: name of a table :type table_name: str :param schema_names: names of schemas for each layer of the PBF data, if ``None`` (default), use the default layer names as schema names :type schema_names: list or None :param table_named_as_subregion: whether to use subregion name to be a table name, defaults to ``False`` :type table_named_as_subregion: bool :param schema_named_as_layer: whether a schema is named as a layer name, defaults to ``False`` :type schema_named_as_layer: bool :param if_exists: if the table already exists, to ``'replace'`` (default), ``'append'`` or ``'fail'`` :type if_exists: str :param force_replace: whether to force to replace existing table, defaults to ``False`` :type force_replace: bool :param chunk_size: the number of rows in each batch to be written at a time, defaults to ``None`` :type chunk_size: int, None :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool :param kwargs: optional parameters of ``.import_osm_pbf_layer()`` **Examples**:: >>> import os >>> from pyhelpers.dir import cd >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> sr_name = 'Rutland' >>> dat_dir = "tests" >>> rutland_pbf_raw = osmdb_test.Reader.read_osm_pbf(sr_name, dat_dir, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to download .osm.pbf data of the following geographic region(s): Rutland ? [No]|Yes: yes >>> # Import all layers of the raw PBF data of Rutland >>> osmdb_test.import_osm_data(rutland_pbf_raw, table_name=sr_name, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to import the data into table "Rutland" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Importing data into "Rutland" ... points ... done: <total of rows> features. lines ... done: <total of rows> features. multilinestrings ... done: <total of rows> features. multipolygons ... done: <total of rows> features. other_relations ... done: <total of rows> features. >>> rutland_pbf = osmdb_test.Reader.read_osm_pbf(sr_name, dat_dir, ... parse_raw_feat=True, ... transform_geom=True, ... transform_other_tags=True) >>> # Import data into specific schemas >>> schemas = {'schema_0': 'lines', ... 'schema_1': 'points', ... 'schema_2': 'multipolygons'} >>> osmdb_test.import_osm_data(rutland_pbf, table_name=sr_name, ... schema_names=schemas, verbose=True) Confirmed to import the data into table "Rutland" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Importing data into "Rutland" ... schema_0 ... done: <total of rows> features. schema_1 ... done: <total of rows> features. schema_2 ... done: <total of rows> features. >>> # To drop the schemas starting with 'schema_' >>> osmdb_test.PostgreSQL.drop_schema(schemas.keys(), verbose=True) Confirmed to drop the following schemas: "schema_0", "schema_1" and "schema_2" from postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Dropping ... "schema_0" ... Done. "schema_1" ... Done. "schema_2" ... Done. >>> # Delete the downloaded PBF data file >>> os.remove(cd(dat_dir, "rutland-latest.osm.pbf")) >>> rutland_shp = osmdb_test.Reader.read_shp_zip(sr_name, data_dir=dat_dir, ... rm_extracts=True, ... rm_shp_zip=True, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to download data of the following geographic region(s): Rutland ? [No]|Yes: yes Downloading "" to "\\tests" ... Done. Extracting all of "" to "\\tests\\rutl-...-shp" ... In progress ... Done. Deleting the extracts "\\tests\\rutland-latest-free-shp" ... Done. Deleting "tests\\" ... Done. >>> # Import all layers of the shapefile data of Rutland >>> osmdb_test.import_osm_data(rutland_shp, table_name=sr_name, verbose=True) Confirmed to import the data into table "Rutland" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Importing data into "Rutland" ... pofw ... done: <total of rows> features. pois ... done: <total of rows> features. traffic ... done: <total of rows> features. places ... done: <total of rows> features. waterways ... done: <total of rows> features. buildings ... done: <total of rows> features. transport ... done: <total of rows> features. natural ... done: <total of rows> features. roads ... done: <total of rows> features. water ... done: <total of rows> features. railways ... done: <total of rows> features. landuse ... done: <total of rows> features. >>> # Import BBBike shapefile data >>> osmdb_test.DataSource = 'BBBike' >>> sr_name = 'Leeds' >>> leeds_shp = osmdb_test.Reader.read_shp_zip(sr_name, data_dir=dat_dir, ... rm_extracts=True, ... rm_shp_zip=True, verbose=True) Confirmed to download data of the following geographic region(s): Leeds ? [No]|Yes: yes Downloading "" to "\\tests" ... Done. Extracting all of "" to "\\tests" ... In progress ... Done. Parsing "\\tests\\Leeds-shp\\shape" ... Done. Deleting the extracts "\\tests\\Leeds-shp" ... Done. Deleting "tests\\" ... Done. >>> osmdb_test.import_osm_data(leeds_shp, table_name=sr_name, verbose=True) Confirmed to import the data into table "Leeds" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Importing data into "Leeds" ... places ... done: <total of rows> features. waterways ... done: <total of rows> features. buildings ... done: <total of rows> features. natural ... done: <total of rows> features. roads ... done: <total of rows> features. railways ... done: <total of rows> features. points ... done: <total of rows> features. landuse ... done: <total of rows> features. """ if isinstance(schema_names, list): schema_names_ = validate_schema_names(schema_names, schema_named_as_layer=True) assert all(x in osm_data.keys() for x in schema_names) data_items = zip(schema_names_, (osm_data[x] for x in schema_names_)) elif isinstance(schema_names, dict): # e.g. schema_names = {'schema_0': 'lines', 'schema_1': 'points'} schema_names_ = validate_schema_names(schema_names.values(), schema_named_as_layer=True) assert all(x in osm_data.keys() for x in schema_names_) data_items = zip(schema_names.keys(), (osm_data[x] for x in schema_names_)) else: data_items = osm_data.items() table_name_ = self.get_table_name_for_subregion(table_name, table_named_as_subregion) if confirmed("Confirmed to import the data into table \"{}\"\n\tat {}\n?".format( table_name_, self.PostgreSQL.address), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): if verbose: print("Importing data into \"{}\" ... ".format(table_name_)) for geom_type, osm_layer in data_items: print("\t{}".format(geom_type), end=" ... ") if verbose else "" if osm_layer.empty: if verbose: print("The layer is empty. " "The corresponding table in the database is thus empty.") try: self.import_osm_layer( osm_layer, schema_name=geom_type, table_name=table_name_, table_named_as_subregion=table_named_as_subregion, schema_named_as_layer=schema_named_as_layer, if_exists=if_exists, force_replace=force_replace, chunk_size=chunk_size, confirmation_required=False, verbose=False, **kwargs) print("done: {} features.".format(len(osm_layer))) if verbose else "" except Exception as e: print("failed. {}".format(e)) del osm_layer gc.collect()
[docs] def import_subregion_osm_pbf(self, subregion_names, data_dir=None, update_osm_pbf=False, if_exists='replace', chunk_size_limit=50, parse_raw_feat=False, transform_geom=False, transform_other_tags=False, pickle_pbf_file=False, rm_osm_pbf=False, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Import data of geographic region(s) that do not have (sub-)subregions into a database. :param subregion_names: name(s) of geographic region(s) :type subregion_names: str or list or None :param data_dir: directory where the .osm.pbf data file is located/saved; if ``None``, the default directory :type data_dir: str or None :param update_osm_pbf: whether to update .osm.pbf data file (if available), defaults to ``False`` :type update_osm_pbf: bool :param if_exists: if the table already exists, to ``'replace'`` (default), ``'append'`` or ``'fail'`` :type if_exists: str :param chunk_size_limit: threshold (in MB) that triggers the use of chunk parser, defaults to ``50``; if the size of the .osm.pbf file (in MB) is greater than ``chunk_size_limit``, it will be parsed in a chunk-wise way :type chunk_size_limit: int :param parse_raw_feat: whether to parse each feature in the raw data, defaults to ``False`` :type parse_raw_feat: bool :param transform_geom: whether to transform a single coordinate (or a collection of coordinates) into a geometric object, defaults to ``False`` :type transform_geom: bool :param transform_other_tags: whether to transform a ``'other_tags'`` into a dictionary, defaults to ``False`` :type transform_other_tags: bool :param pickle_pbf_file: whether to save the .pbf data as a .pickle file, defaults to ``False`` :type pickle_pbf_file: bool :param rm_osm_pbf: whether to delete the downloaded .osm.pbf file, defaults to ``False`` :type rm_osm_pbf: bool :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int :param kwargs: optional parameters of ``.import_osm_pbf_layer()`` **Examples**:: >>> import os >>> from pyhelpers import cd, load_pickle >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> dat_dir = "tests" >>> sr_name = 'Rutland' >>> osmdb_test.import_subregion_osm_pbf(sr_name, dat_dir, rm_osm_pbf=True, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to import Geofabrik OSM data of the following geographic region(s): Rutland into postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Downloading "rutland-latest.osm.pbf" to "\\tests" ... Done. Importing data into "Rutland" ... points ... done: <total of rows> features. lines ... done: <total of rows> features. multilinestrings ... done: <total of rows> features. multipolygons ... done: <total of rows> features. other_relations ... done: <total of rows> features. Deleting "tests\\rutland-latest.osm.pbf" ... Done. >>> # Import free BBBike PBF data of Victoria and Waterloo >>> osmdb_test.DataSource = 'BBBike' >>> sr_names = ['Victoria', 'Waterloo'] >>> # Note this may take a few minutes or even longer >>> osmdb_test.import_subregion_osm_pbf( ... sr_names, dat_dir, parse_raw_feat=True, transform_geom=True, ... transform_other_tags=True, pickle_pbf_file=True, rm_osm_pbf=True, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to import BBBike OSM data of the following geographic region(s): Victoria, Waterloo into postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Downloading "Victoria.osm.pbf" to "\\tests" ... Done. Parsing "\\tests\\Victoria.osm.pbf" ... Done. Importing data into "Victoria" ... points ... done: <total of rows> features. lines ... done: <total of rows> features. multilinestrings ... done: <total of rows> features. multipolygons ... done: <total of rows> features. other_relations ... done: <total of rows> features. Saving "Victoria-pbf.pickle" to "\\tests" ... Done. Deleting "tests\\Victoria.osm.pbf" ... Done. Downloading "Waterloo.osm.pbf" to "\\tests" ... Done. Parsing "\\tests\\Waterloo.osm.pbf" ... Done. Importing data into "Waterloo" ... points ... done: <total of rows> features. lines ... done: <total of rows> features. multilinestrings ... done: <total of rows> features. multipolygons ... done: <total of rows> features. other_relations ... done: <total of rows> features. Saving "Waterloo-pbf.pickle" to "\\tests" ... Done. Deleting "tests\\Waterloo.osm.pbf" ... Done. >>> # The PBF data have also been saved as Pickle files >>> victoria_pbf = load_pickle(cd(dat_dir, "Victoria-pbf.pickle")) >>> print(victoria_pbf['points'].head()) id coordinates ... man_made other_tags 0 25832817 POINT (-123.3102145 48.4351935) ... None None 1 25832953 POINT (-123.3157486 48.4309841) ... None None 2 25832954 POINT (-123.3209612 48.4323984) ... None None 3 25832995 POINT (-123.3224238 48.4321706) ... None None 4 25833001 POINT (-123.3202181 48.4297225) ... None None [5 rows x 12 columns] >>> waterloo_pbf = load_pickle(cd(dat_dir, "Waterloo-pbf.pickle")) >>> print(waterloo_pbf['points'].head()) id ... other_tags 0 10782939 ... None 1 10782965 ... None 2 14509209 ... None 3 14657092 ... {'traffic_signals:direction': 'backward'} 4 14657140 ... None [5 rows x 12 columns] >>> # Delete the Pickle files >>> os.remove(cd(dat_dir, "Victoria-pbf.pickle")) >>> os.remove(cd(dat_dir, "Waterloo-pbf.pickle")) """ osm_file_format = ".osm.pbf" if subregion_names is None: subregion_names_ = self.Downloader.get_list_of_subregion_names() confirm_msg = \ "Confirmed to import {} OSM PBF data of all geographic regions" \ "\n into {}\n?".format(self.DataSource, self.PostgreSQL.address) else: subregion_names_ = [subregion_names] if isinstance(subregion_names, str) \ else subregion_names.copy() subregion_names_ = [self.Downloader.validate_input_subregion_name(x) for x in subregion_names_] if self.DataSource == 'Geofabrik': subregion_names_ = \ self.Downloader.search_for_subregions(*subregion_names_) confirm_msg = \ "Confirmed to import {} OSM data of the following geographic region(s):" \ "\n\t{}".format(self.DataSource, ",\n\t".join(subregion_names_)) + \ "\n into {}\n?".format(self.PostgreSQL.address) if confirmed(confirm_msg, confirmation_required=confirmation_required): err_subregion_names = [] for subregion_name in subregion_names_: path_to_osm_pbf = self.Downloader.download_osm_data( subregion_name, osm_file_format, download_dir=data_dir, update=update_osm_pbf, confirmation_required=False, verbose=verbose, ret_download_path=True) file_size_in_mb = round(os.path.getsize(path_to_osm_pbf) / (1024 ** 2), 1) try: if file_size_in_mb <= chunk_size_limit: number_of_chunks = \ get_number_of_chunks(path_to_osm_pbf, chunk_size_limit) if verbose and parse_raw_feat: print("Parsing \"\\{}\"".format( os.path.relpath(path_to_osm_pbf)), end=" ... ") subregion_osm_pbf = parse_osm_pbf( path_to_osm_pbf, number_of_chunks, parse_raw_feat=parse_raw_feat, transform_geom=transform_geom, transform_other_tags=transform_other_tags) print("Done. ") if verbose and parse_raw_feat else "" if subregion_osm_pbf is not None: self.import_osm_data( osm_data=subregion_osm_pbf, table_name=subregion_name, if_exists=if_exists, confirmation_required=False, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if pickle_pbf_file: path_to_pickle = path_to_osm_pbf.replace( osm_file_format, "-pbf.pickle") save_pickle(subregion_osm_pbf, path_to_pickle, verbose=verbose) del subregion_osm_pbf gc.collect() else: import ogr if verbose: print( "Parsing and importing the data of \"{}\" feature-wisely " "into {} ... ".format( subregion_name, self.PostgreSQL.address)) # Reference: raw_osm_pbf = ogr.Open(path_to_osm_pbf) layer_count = raw_osm_pbf.GetLayerCount() layer_names, all_layer_data, layer_data = [], [], None for i in range(layer_count): layer = raw_osm_pbf.GetLayerByIndex(i) # Hold the i-th layer layer_name = layer.GetName() if pickle_pbf_file: layer_names.append(layer_name) if verbose: print(" {}".format(layer_name), end=" ... ") try: features = [feature for _, feature in enumerate(layer)] feats_no = len(features) chunks_no = math.ceil(file_size_in_mb / chunk_size_limit) feats = split_list(lst=features, num_of_sub=chunks_no) del features gc.collect() if self.subregion_table_exists( subregion_name, layer_name) \ and if_exists == 'replace': self.drop_subregion_table(subregion_name, layer_name, confirmation_required=False) all_lyr_dat = [] # Loop through all available features for feat in feats: if parse_raw_feat: lyr_dat = pd.DataFrame( f.ExportToJson(as_object=True) for f in feat) lyr_dat = parse_osm_pbf_layer( pbf_layer_data=lyr_dat, geo_typ=layer_name, transform_geom=transform_geom, transform_other_tags=transform_other_tags) else: lyr_dat = pd.DataFrame( f.ExportToJson() for f in feat) lyr_dat.columns = ['{}_data'.format(layer_name)] if_exists_ = if_exists if if_exists == 'fail' \ else 'append' self.import_osm_layer( osm_layer_data=lyr_dat, table_name=subregion_name, schema_name=layer_name, if_exists=if_exists_, confirmation_required=False) if pickle_pbf_file: all_lyr_dat.append(lyr_dat) del lyr_dat gc.collect() if pickle_pbf_file: all_layer_data.append( pd.concat(all_lyr_dat, ignore_index=True, sort=False)) if verbose: print("done: {} features.".format(feats_no)) except Exception as e: print("failed. {}".format(e)) raw_osm_pbf.Release() del raw_osm_pbf gc.collect() if pickle_pbf_file: save_pickle( dict(zip(layer_names, all_layer_data)), path_to_osm_pbf.replace(osm_file_format, "-pbf.pickle"), verbose=verbose) if rm_osm_pbf: remove_subregion_osm_file(path_to_osm_pbf, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: print(e) err_subregion_names.append(subregion_name) if len(err_subregion_names) > 0: print("Errors occurred when parsing data of the following subregion(s):") print(*err_subregion_names, sep=", ")
[docs] def fetch_osm_data(self, subregion_name, layer_names=None, table_named_as_subregion=False, schema_named_as_layer=False, chunk_size=None, method='spooled_tempfile', max_size_spooled=1, decode_geojson=False, decode_wkt=False, decode_other_tags=False, parse_geojson=False, sort_by='id', **kwargs): """ Fetch OSM data (of one or multiple layers) of a geographic region. See also [`ROP-1 <>`_] :param subregion_name: name of a geographic region (or the corresponding table) :type subregion_name: str :param layer_names: names of schemas for each layer of the PBF data, if ``None`` (default), use the default layer names as schema names :type layer_names: list or None :param table_named_as_subregion: whether to use subregion name to be a table name, defaults to ``False`` :type table_named_as_subregion: bool :param schema_named_as_layer: whether a schema is named as a layer name, defaults to ``False`` :type schema_named_as_layer: bool :param chunk_size: the number of rows in each batch to be written at a time, defaults to ``None`` :type chunk_size: int, None :param method: method to be used for buffering temporary data, defaults to ``'spooled_tempfile'`` :type method: str or None :param max_size_spooled: ``max_size_spooled`` of `pyhelpers.sql.PostgreSQL.read_sql_query`_, defaults to ``1`` (in gigabyte) :type max_size_spooled: int, float :param decode_geojson: whether to decode textual GeoJSON, defaults to ``False`` :type decode_geojson: bool :param decode_wkt: whether to decode ``'coordinates'`` (if available and) if it is a wkt, defaults to ``False`` :type decode_wkt: bool :param decode_other_tags: whether to decode ``'other_tags'`` (if available), defaults to ``False`` :type decode_other_tags: bool :param parse_geojson: whether to parse raw GeoJSON (as it is raw feature data), defaults to ``False`` :type parse_geojson: bool :param sort_by: column name(s) by which the data (fetched from PostgreSQL) is sorted, defaults to ``None`` :type sort_by: str or list :return: PBF (.osm.pbf) data :rtype: dict .. _`pyhelpers.sql.PostgreSQL.read_sql_query`: sql.html#sql-postgresql-read-sql-query **Example**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> sr_name = 'Rutland' >>> # With all the examples for >>> # `.import_osm_data()` and `.import_subregion_osm_pbf()`, >>> # fetch data of all available layers >>> rutland_pbf = osmdb_test.fetch_osm_data(sr_name, ... table_named_as_subregion=True) >>> type(rutland_pbf) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(rutland_pbf.keys())) ['points', 'lines', 'multilinestrings', 'multipolygons', 'other_relations', 'buildings', 'landuse', 'natural', 'places', 'pofw', 'pois', 'railways', 'roads', 'traffic', 'transport', 'water', 'waterways'] >>> # Fetch data of specific layers >>> lyr_names = ['points', 'multipolygons'] >>> rutland_pbf = osmdb_test.fetch_osm_data(sr_name, lyr_names, sort_by='id') >>> type(rutland_pbf) <class 'dict'> >>> print(list(rutland_pbf.keys())) # ['points', 'multipolygons'] >>> rutland_pbf_points = rutland_pbf['points'] >>> print(rutland_pbf_points.head()) points 0 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 1 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 2 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 3 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... 4 {"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Poin... >>> rutland_pbf_ = osmdb_test.fetch_osm_data( ... sr_name, lyr_names, decode_geojson=True, decode_wkt=True, ... decode_other_tags=True, sort_by='id') >>> rutland_pbf_points_ = rutland_pbf_['points'] >>> print(rutland_pbf_points_.head()) id ... other_tags 0 488432 ... {'odbl': 'clean'} 1 488658 ... None 2 13883868 ... None 3 14049101 ... {'traffic_calming': 'cushion'} 4 14558402 ... {'direction': 'clockwise'} [5 rows x 12 columns] .. seealso:: The examples about :ref:`fetching data from the database<qs-fetch-data-from-the-database>` provided in :ref:`Quick start<pydriosm-quick-start>`. """ def decode_osm_pbf_layer(lyr_dat_): """ Process raw data of a PBF layer retrieved from database. """ lyr_dat_.replace({np.nan: None}, inplace=True) if lyr_dat_.shape[1] == 1: geo_typ = lyr_dat_.columns[0] if decode_geojson: lyr_dat_ = \ lyr_dat_[geo_typ].map(rapidjson.loads).to_frame(name=geo_typ) if decode_wkt or decode_other_tags: lyr_dat_ = pd.DataFrame.from_records( lyr_dat_[geo_typ] if decode_geojson else lyr_dat_[geo_typ].map(rapidjson.loads)) lyr_dat_ = parse_osm_pbf_layer(pbf_layer_data=lyr_dat_, geo_typ=geo_typ, transform_geom=decode_wkt, transform_other_tags=decode_other_tags) elif parse_geojson: lyr_dat_ = \ pd.DataFrame.from_records(lyr_dat_[geo_typ].map(rapidjson.loads)) else: import shapely.wkt if decode_wkt: if 'coordinates' in lyr_dat_.columns: try: lyr_dat_.coordinates = except SyntaxError: lyr_dat_.coordinates = \ elif 'geometries' in lyr_dat_.columns: lyr_dat_.geometries = x: eval(x)) elif 'geometry' in lyr_dat_.columns: lyr_dat_.geometry = if decode_other_tags and 'other_tags' in lyr_dat_: try: lyr_dat_.other_tags = lambda x: x if x is None else eval(x)) except SyntaxError: pass return lyr_dat_ table_name_ = self.get_table_name_for_subregion(subregion_name, table_named_as_subregion) schema_names_ = validate_schema_names(layer_names, schema_named_as_layer) if not schema_names_: schema_names_ = \ list(get_pbf_layer_feat_types_dict().keys()) + get_valid_shp_layer_names() avail_schemas, layer_data = schema_names_.copy(), [] for schema_name_ in schema_names_: if self.subregion_table_exists(table_name_, schema_name_): table = '"{}"."{}"'.format(schema_name_, table_name_) sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM {}'.format(table) if method: column_info_table = self.PostgreSQL.get_column_info( table_name_, schema_name=schema_name_) repl = convert_dtype_dict() dtype_ = column_info_table['data_type'] dtype = dict(zip( column_info_table['column_name'], map(repl.get, dtype_, dtype_))) lyr_dat = self.PostgreSQL.read_sql_query( sql_query=sql_query, method=method, max_size_spooled=max_size_spooled, chunksize=chunk_size, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) else: lyr_dat = pd.read_sql(sql_query, con=self.PostgreSQL.engine, chunksize=chunk_size, **kwargs) if isinstance(lyr_dat, pd.DataFrame): lyr_dat = decode_osm_pbf_layer(lyr_dat) else: lyr_dat_temp = [ decode_osm_pbf_layer(lyr_dat_) for lyr_dat_ in lyr_dat] lyr_dat = pd.concat(lyr_dat_temp, ignore_index=True) if sort_by: sort_by_ = [sort_by] if isinstance(sort_by, str) \ else copy.copy(sort_by) if all(x in lyr_dat.columns for x in sort_by_): lyr_dat.sort_values(sort_by, inplace=True) lyr_dat.index = range(len(lyr_dat)) layer_data.append(lyr_dat) else: avail_schemas.remove(schema_name_) osm_pbf_data = dict(zip(avail_schemas, layer_data)) return osm_pbf_data
[docs] def drop_subregion_table(self, subregion_table_names, schema_names=None, table_named_as_subregion=False, schema_named_as_layer=False, confirmation_required=True, verbose=False): """ Delete all or specific schemas/layers of subregion data from the database being connected. :param subregion_table_names: name of table for a subregion (or name of a subregion) :type subregion_table_names: str :param schema_names: names of schemas for each layer of the PBF data, if ``None`` (default), use the default layer names as schema names :type schema_names: list or None :param table_named_as_subregion: whether to use subregion name to be a table name, defaults to ``False`` :type table_named_as_subregion: bool :param schema_named_as_layer: whether a schema is named as a layer name, defaults to ``False`` :type schema_named_as_layer: bool :param confirmation_required: whether to prompt a message for confirmation to proceed, defaults to ``True`` :type confirmation_required: bool :param verbose: whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to ``False`` :type verbose: bool or int **Examples**:: >>> from pydriosm.ios import PostgresOSM >>> osmdb_test = PostgresOSM(database_name='osmdb_test') Password (postgres@localhost:5432): *** Connecting postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ... Successfully. >>> # With all the examples for the methods: >>> # `.import_osm_data()` and `.import_subregion_osm_pbf()`, >>> # delete all data of Rutland and Leeds >>> subregion_tbl_names = ['Rutland', 'Leeds'] >>> osmdb_test.drop_subregion_table(subregion_tbl_names, verbose=True) Confirmed to drop the following tables: "Leeds" and "Rutland" from the following schemas: "multipolygons", "water", "multilinestrings", "points", "buildings", "natural", "roads", "other_relations", "pois", "traffic", "transport", "pofw", "landuse", "railways", "waterways", "lines" and "places" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Dropping tables ... "multipolygons"."Rutland" ... Done. "water"."Rutland" ... Done. "multilinestrings"."Rutland" ... Done. "points"."Leeds" ... Done. "points"."Rutland" ... Done. "buildings"."Leeds" ... Done. "buildings"."Rutland" ... Done. "natural"."Leeds" ... Done. "natural"."Rutland" ... Done. "roads"."Leeds" ... Done. "roads"."Rutland" ... Done. "other_relations"."Rutland" ... Done. "pois"."Rutland" ... Done. "traffic"."Rutland" ... Done. "transport"."Rutland" ... Done. "pofw"."Rutland" ... Done. "landuse"."Leeds" ... Done. "landuse"."Rutland" ... Done. "railways"."Leeds" ... Done. "railways"."Rutland" ... Done. "waterways"."Leeds" ... Done. "waterways"."Rutland" ... Done. "lines"."Rutland" ... Done. "places"."Leeds" ... Done. "places"."Rutland" ... Done. >>> # Delete 'points' and 'other_relations' of Waterloo and Victoria >>> subregion_tbl_names = ['Waterloo', 'Victoria'] >>> lyr_schema_names = ['points', 'other_relations'] >>> osmdb_test.drop_subregion_table(subregion_tbl_names, lyr_schema_names, ... verbose=True) Confirmed to drop the following tables: "Waterloo" and "Victoria" from the following schemas: "points" and "other_relations" at postgres:***@localhost:5432/osmdb_test ? [No]|Yes: yes Dropping tables ... "points"."Victoria" ... Done. "points"."Waterloo" ... Done. "other_relations"."Victoria" ... Done. "other_relations"."Waterloo" ... Done. >>> # Delete the database 'osmdb_test' >>> osmdb_test.PostgreSQL.drop_database(verbose=True) Confirmed to drop the database "osmdb_test" from postgres:***@localhost:5432 ? [No]|Yes: yes Dropping "osmdb_test" ... Done. """ import sqlalchemy.engine.reflection existing_schemas = [ x for x in sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine( self.PostgreSQL.engine).get_schema_names() if x != 'public' and x != 'information_schema'] # existing_schemas.sort() table_names_ = [ self.get_table_name_for_subregion(tbl_name, table_named_as_subregion) for tbl_name in ( [subregion_table_names] if isinstance(subregion_table_names, str) else subregion_table_names)] table_names_.sort() schema_names_ = validate_schema_names(schema_names, schema_named_as_layer) schema_names_.sort() if not schema_names_: table_list = list(itertools.product(existing_schemas, table_names_)) schema_names_ = list(set( s for s, t in table_list if self.subregion_table_exists( t, s, table_named_as_subregion, schema_named_as_layer))) if not schema_names_: print("None of the data exists.") else: _, schemas_msg = self.PostgreSQL.msg_for_multi_schemas( schema_names_, desc='schema') _, tbls_msg = self.PostgreSQL.msg_for_multi_schemas( table_names_, desc='table') if confirmed("Confirmed to drop the following {} " "from the following {} at {}\n?".format( tbls_msg, schemas_msg, self.PostgreSQL.address), confirmation_required=confirmation_required): table_list_ = list(itertools.product(schema_names_, table_names_)) if verbose: print("Dropping {} ... ".format( "table" if (len(table_names_) == 1 and len(schema_names_) == 1) else "tables")) for schema, table in table_list_: table_ = f'"{schema}"."{table}"' if not self.PostgreSQL.table_exists(table, schema): # schema.table does not exist print(f"\t{table_} does not exist. ") if verbose == 2 else "" else: print(f"\t{table_}", end=" ... ") if verbose else "" try: self.PostgreSQL.engine.execute( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {} CASCADE;'.format(table_)) print("Done. ") if verbose else "" except Exception as e: print("Failed. {}".format(e))
# class GeoFabrikIOS: # """ # A class representation of a tool for storage of Geofabrik data extracts # with PostgreSQL. # """ # # def __init__(self): # """ # Constructor method. # """ # self.Downloader = GeofabrikDownloader() # self.Reader = GeofabrikReader() # self.Name = copy.copy(self.Downloader.Name) # self.URL = copy.copy(self.Downloader.URL) # # # class BBBikeIOS: # """ # A class representation of a tool for storage of BBBike data extracts # with PostgreSQL. # """ # # def __init__(self): # """ # Constructor method. # """ # self.Downloader = BBBikeDownloader() # self.Reader = BBBikeReader() # self.Name = copy.copy(self.Downloader.Name) # self.URL = copy.copy(self.Downloader.URL)