
GeofabrikReader.read_shp_zip(subregion_name, layer_names=None, feature_names=None, data_dir=None, update=False, download_confirmation_required=True, pickle_it=False, ret_pickle_path=False, rm_extracts=False, rm_shp_zip=False, verbose=False)[source]

Read a data file of a geographic region.

  • subregion_name (str) – name of a region/subregion (case-insensitive) available on Geofabrik’s free download server

  • layer_names (str or list or None) – name of a .shp layer, e.g. ‘railways’, or names of multiple layers; if None (default), all available layers

  • feature_names (str or list or None) – name of a feature, e.g. ‘rail’, or names of multiple features; if None (default), all available features

  • data_dir (str or None) – directory where the data file is located/saved; if None, the default directory

  • update (bool) – whether to check to update pickle backup (if available), defaults to False

  • download_confirmation_required (bool) – whether to ask for confirmation before starting to download a file, defaults to True

  • pickle_it (bool) – whether to save the .shp data as a .pickle file, defaults to False

  • ret_pickle_path (bool) – whether to return an absolute path to the saved pickle file (when pickle_it=True)

  • rm_extracts (bool) – whether to delete extracted files from the file, defaults to False

  • rm_shp_zip (bool) – whether to delete the downloaded file, defaults to False

  • verbose (bool or int) – whether to print relevant information in console as the function runs, defaults to False


dictionary of the shapefile data, with keys and values being layer names and tabular data (in the format of geopandas.GeoDataFrame), respectively

Return type

dict or None


>>> from pydriosm.reader import GeofabrikReader

>>> geofabrik_reader = GeofabrikReader()

>>> sr_name = 'Rutland'
>>> dat_dir = "tests"

>>> rutland_shp = geofabrik_reader.read_shp_zip(sr_name, data_dir=dat_dir)
Confirmed to download data of the following geographic region(s):
? [No]|Yes: yes

>>> print(list(rutland_shp.keys()))

>>> rutland_shp_railways = rutland_shp['railways']
>>> print(rutland_shp_railways.head())
    osm_id  code  ... tunnel                                           geometry
0  2162114  6101  ...      F  LINESTRING (-0.45281 52.69934, -0.45189 52.698...
1  3681043  6101  ...      F  LINESTRING (-0.65312 52.57308, -0.65318 52.572...
2  3693985  6101  ...      F  LINESTRING (-0.73234 52.67821, -0.73191 52.678...
3  3693986  6101  ...      F  LINESTRING (-0.61731 52.61323, -0.62419 52.614...
4  4806329  6101  ...      F  LINESTRING (-0.45769 52.70352, -0.45654 52.702...
[5 rows x 8 columns]

>>> sr_layer = 'transport'

>>> rutland_shp_transport = geofabrik_reader.read_shp_zip(
...     sr_name, sr_layer, data_dir=dat_dir, verbose=True, rm_extracts=True)
Deleting the extracts "\tests\rutland-latest-free-shp"  ... Done.

>>> print(list(rutland_shp_transport.keys()))

>>> print(rutland_shp_transport['transport'].head())
      osm_id  code    fclass                    name                   geometry
0  472398147  5621  bus_stop                    None  POINT (-0.73213 52.66974)
1  502322073  5621  bus_stop              Fife Close  POINT (-0.50962 52.66052)
2  502322075  5621  bus_stop              Fife Close  POINT (-0.50973 52.66058)
3  502322076  5621  bus_stop          Aberdeen Close  POINT (-0.51039 52.65817)
4  502322077  5621  bus_stop  Arran Road (South End)  POINT (-0.50973 52.65469)

>>> feat_name = 'bus_stop'

>>> rutland_shp_transport_bus_stop = geofabrik_reader.read_shp_zip(
...     sr_name, sr_layer, feat_name, dat_dir, verbose=True, rm_extracts=True)
Extracting from "" the following layer(s):
to "\tests\rutland-latest-free-shp" ...
In progress ... Done.
Deleting the extracts "\tests\rutland-latest-free-shp"  ... Done.

>>> print(list(rutland_shp_transport_bus_stop.keys()))

>>> print(rutland_shp_transport_bus_stop['transport'].fclass.unique())

>>> sr_layers = ['traffic', 'roads']
>>> feat_names = ['parking', 'trunk']

>>> rutland_shp_tr_pt = geofabrik_reader.read_shp_zip(
...     sr_name, sr_layers, feat_name, dat_dir, verbose=True,
...     rm_extracts=True, rm_shp_zip=True)
Extracting from "" the following layer(s):
to "\tests\rutland-latest-free-shp" ...
In progress ... Done.
Deleting the extracts "\tests\rutland-latest-free-shp"  ... Done.
Deleting "tests\" ... Done.

>>> print(list(rutland_shp_tr_pt.keys()))
['traffic', 'roads']

>>> selected_columns = ['fclass', 'name', 'geometry']

>>> rutland_shp_tr_pt_traffic = rutland_shp_tr_pt['traffic']
>>> print(rutland_shp_tr_pt_traffic[selected_columns].head())
    fclass  name                                           geometry
0  parking  None  POLYGON ((-0.66704 52.71108, -0.66670 52.71121...
1  parking  None  POLYGON ((-0.78712 52.71974, -0.78700 52.71991...
2  parking  None  POLYGON ((-0.70368 52.65567, -0.70362 52.65587...
3  parking  None  POLYGON ((-0.63381 52.66442, -0.63367 52.66441...
4  parking  None  POLYGON ((-0.62814 52.64093, -0.62701 52.64169...

>>> rutland_shp_tr_pt_roads = rutland_shp_tr_pt['roads']
>>> print(rutland_shp_tr_pt_roads[selected_columns].head())
   fclass           name                                           geometry
0   trunk           None  LINESTRING (-0.72461 52.59642, -0.72452 52.596...
1   trunk   Glaston Road  LINESTRING (-0.64671 52.59353, -0.64590 52.593...
3   trunk  Orange Street  LINESTRING (-0.72293 52.58899, -0.72297 52.588...
11  trunk    Ayston Road  LINESTRING (-0.72483 52.59610, -0.72493 52.596...
12  trunk    London Road  LINESTRING (-0.72261 52.58759, -0.72264 52.587...