
classmethod PBFReadParse.read_pbf_layer(layer, readable=True, expand=False, parse_geometry=False, parse_properties=False, parse_other_tags=False, number_of_chunks=None)[source]

Parse a layer of a PBF data file.

  • layer (osgeo.ogr.Layer) – a layer of a PBF data file, loaded by GDAL/OGR

  • readable (bool) – whether to parse each feature in the raw data, defaults to False

  • expand (bool) – whether to expand dict-like data into separate columns, defaults to False

  • parse_geometry (bool) – whether to represent the 'geometry' field in a shapely.geometry format, defaults to False

  • parse_properties (bool) – whether to represent the 'properties' field in a tabular format, defaults to False

  • parse_other_tags (bool) – whether to represent a 'other_tags' (of 'properties') in a dict format, defaults to False

  • number_of_chunks (int | None) – number of chunks, defaults to None


parsed data of the given OSM PBF layer

Return type:


See also