
classmethod PBFReadParse.get_pbf_layer_names(pbf_pathname, verbose=False)[source]

Get names (and indices) of all available layers in a PBF data file.

  • pbf_pathname (str | os.PathLike[str]) – path to a PBF data file

  • verbose (bool | int) – whether to print relevant information in console, defaults to False


indices and names of each layer of the PBF data file

Return type:



>>> from pydriosm.reader import PBFReadParse
>>> from pydriosm.downloader import GeofabrikDownloader
>>> from pyhelpers.dirs import delete_dir
>>> import os

>>> # Download the PBF data file of London as an example
>>> subrgn_name = 'london'
>>> file_format = ".pbf"
>>> dwnld_dir = "tests\osm_data"

>>> gfd = GeofabrikDownloader()

>>> gfd.download_osm_data(subrgn_name, file_format, dwnld_dir, verbose=True)
To download .osm.pbf data of the following geographic (sub)region(s):
    Greater London
? [No]|Yes: yes
Downloading "greater-london-latest.osm.pbf"
    to "tests\osm_data\greater-london\" ... Done.

>>> london_pbf_pathname = gfd.data_paths[0]
>>> os.path.relpath(london_pbf_pathname)

>>> # Get indices and names of all layers in the downloaded PBF data file
>>> pbf_layer_idx_names = PBFReadParse.get_pbf_layer_names(london_pbf_pathname)
>>> type(pbf_layer_idx_names)
>>> pbf_layer_idx_names
{0: 'points',
 1: 'lines',
 2: 'multilinestrings',
 3: 'multipolygons',
 4: 'other_relations'}

>>> # Delete the download directory (and the downloaded PBF data file)
>>> delete_dir(gfd.download_dir, verbose=True)
To delete the directory "tests\osm_data\" (Not empty)
? [No]|Yes: yes
Deleting "tests\osm_data\" ... Done.